Reliable, rapid drain unblocking…

01227 252361


Blocked Drain Margate

If you find you are facing blocked drains in Margate, don’t hesitate to call our expert engineers, who will repair the issue and promptly get your plumbing up and running. We provide routine drainage repairs and emergency help. You can also count on us for regular maintenance services.

For a free quote call or text us on 07500 040061.

Margate Drainage Experts

Whether in your home or workplace, a blocked drain can cause complete disruption. Thanet Drainage are a professional team that will deal with any issues efficiently and quickly. We have a fleet of well-equipped vans carrying state-of-the-art technology to sort out any drainage problem.

We work all year round and offer a 24/7 service.

Don't Ignore Drainage Problems

Ignoring the fact that you have issues with your drain is never a good idea. You can try clearing the problem yourself with a plunger but trying harsh chemical solutions may make the issue worse, especially with old fragile pipes. A blocked drain will not correct itself and leaving it to get worse could eventually cause major disruption and significant expense.

Signs Your Drains Are Blocked

There are various signs which indicate a drain blockage. These include:

  • Water drains from your sink very slowly
  • Water gathers in the shower basin, which may overflow
  • Plugs make a gurgling sound
  • The level of water in the toilet rises when flushing
  • Unpleasant smells from sinks and drains
  • Overflowing manholes and gullies
  • Puddles in the garden


If you have seen any of these symptoms, you probably have a blocked drain, and if a plunger won’t fix it, it’s time to call in the professionals.

Blocked drain Margate

What Causes A Drain to Become Blocked?

Blocked drains are a common household issue which professionals can usually repair relatively quickly with the correct equipment. We always aim to fix drainage problems on the first visit.

There are several reasons your drains may become blocked. These include:

  • Putting grease and oil down plug holes. When these become cold, they harden, causing a build-up in the plumbing system. When very congealed grease and fat can close a pipe completely, preventing any water from draining.
  • Flushing non flushable items down the toilet is a sure-fire way to cause a blockage. Non-flushable items include nappies, wet wipes, and cotton buds. Once a blockage occurs, any additional items you put down will not be able to pass, and eventually, the backup will worsen, causing water to overflow when flushing and sewage may even come through the base of the toilet.
  • Other common causes of drain blockages are external factors, mainly tree roots entering the pipe. Like with grease and fat, a tree root left to grow may cause the line to block completely or break.


As well as disrupting daily life, blocked drains can lead to more serious problems, including subsidence, so it’s always imperative you call us before the situation worsens.

Drain Unblocking Methods

At Thanet Drainage we use a variety of techniques to remove even the most stubborn blockages.

We can clear most blockages with a high-pressure water jetter. This is a quick solution that causes minimal disruption. High-pressure water jetters come with a choice of attachments which can deal with all sorts of blockages, even concrete and masonry that may have found their way into your pipes. 

Water jetting is an environmentally friendly method to clear drains that does not use harsh chemicals.

Professional Drain Unblocking

If you suspect your Margate drain may be blocked, contact us today. Our engineers are available around the clock and can usually arrive at your location within hours.

We offer discounts to students and OAPs, and all work is fully insured.

For more information on our services, check our Checkatrade reviews or call us on one of the following numbers:

Mobile: 07500 040061

Thanet: 01843 583 335

Ashford: 01233 690 049

Canterbury: 01227 252 361